Sustainable People-Centred Landscape Architecture
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Christmas Card 2018
Staff Profile
On the Drawing Board
On Site
Therapeutic & Healing Landscapes
Give and gain volunteer days
Sapphire Lodge Assisted Living Garden
Great Oaks Hospital Refurbishment
Jubilee Step-Down Unit, Doncaster
Eating Disorder Unit, Doncaster
Hawthorn Older Persons Ward
Windermere Dementia Ward
Heathy Environments: On the drawing board
Residential Landscapes
Lancaster Cohousing Ecohomes
Back Seel Street, Rope Walks, Liverpool
Renshaw Hall, Liverpool
Homebaked High Street
Baxter Close, LHT
Playful & Educational Landscapes
Babies Sensory Garden, Warren Nursery
Tweenies & Toddlers Gardens, Warren Nursery
Pre-school Garden, Warren Nursery
Warren Nursery Phase 2
PLACED School Workshops
Kilgarth School
Commercial Landscapes
RDASH Headquarters, Doncaster
Parc Cybi / Ty Mawr, Holyhead
University of Gloucester
Public Realm Design
Lower High Street, Merthyr Tydfil
River Taff Trail, Merthyr Tydfil
Back Seel Street, Rope Walks, Liverpool
Carnforth Regeneration
Slater Street, Rope Walks, Liverpool
Newport River Edge Guide for Developers
Renshaw Hall, Liverpool
Liverpool Exhibition Centre
Old Hall Street, Liverpool
Liverpool Winter Gardens
Liverpool South Docks
Bankside Boardwalk
SuDS & Water Sensitive Urban Design
SuDS Swale within Business Park Infrastructure
Somerset Levels Housing Flood Prevention
River Taff Viewpoint and Fish Pass
Water Sensitive Public Realm Design
Parc Cybi SuDS Strategy
SuDS Pond within Public Open Space
WAG Headquarters Heat Retention Pond
Lancaster Cohousing Natural Drainage Strategy
Sensitive Settings & Green Infrastructure
Parc Cybi / Ty Mawr, Holyhead
River Taff Trail, Merthyr Tydfil
Reinterpretation of the public park – What can the park give back?
Woodfield Park, Doncaster
St Catherines Drive
Art Strategy & Coordination
St Tydfil’s Square Artworks
Taff Trail Artworks
Dementia Garden Artworks
Shelters and Canopies
Play Sheds
Wildlife Hotels
Activity Garden boundaries for people with learning disabilities
Community & Meanwhile Use
Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, St James Gardens
Give and gain volunteer days
DIY Furniture Making: the Baltic Hub, Liverpool
Bluegreen Liverpool
My City: The Meanwhile Use Project
PLACED School Workshops
Baltic Triangle Outdoor Space Design
Chinese History Museum
The Brink Horticultural Therapy Garden
Northern Lights, Cains Brewery
Baltic Creative
Homebaked ‘The Thing on the Rec’ event
Homebaked ‘The Return of the Thing on the Rec’ event
Contact Form
Knowledge & Ideas
Designing Out Flooding
Complimentary Materials and Plants
If children designed hospitals……
mental health act boundary
Woodfield Park, Doncaster